Kenyan life insurer goes paperless with SilverBridge

Kenyan life insurer goes paperless with SilverBridge

Liberty Life Assurance Kenya required SilverBridge to develop a bespoke digital application

Liberty Life Assurance Kenya has contracted SilverBridge to develop a paperless application form that integrates with its existing policy administrative system. This streamlines not only the application process, but also enables the effective updating of customer details using mobile devices.

“With an objective of automating the customer onboarding process and the completion of an insurance transaction from start to finish, Liberty Kenya was looking to replace its traditional, paper-based application process,” said Kelly Preston, Data Analytics Manager at SilverBridge.

“With the application forms manually completed by agents and copies of supporting documentation attached to the forms, it created a great opportunity to digitise this process.”

The customer therefore required SilverBridge to develop a bespoke digital application form that agents could access via their tablets using login credentials. The solution needed to be user-friendly to operate to avoid any delays in completing the forms or submitting the information.

SilverBridge built validations into the process to ensure that all relevant information and documentation were included on the first submission of the application. This would immediately allow for policy onboarding, thereby improving the service to the customer and reducing the risk of policies not taken up.

“By transitioning the paper-based customer on-boarding process to a fully electronic one, Liberty Life anticipates great gains in the overall customer experience and the organisation’s operational efficiency,” said Abel Munda, MD of Liberty Life Kenya.

Following the SilverBridge implementation, the application process for both the customers as well as the agents has been streamlined.

“Completed applications are processed straight onto the administration system within a matter of seconds and the agents as well as the policyholders are informed of their policy details via an automatic SMS which is sent on submission,” added Preston.

“The SilverBridge team worked well with Liberty Kenya to ensure the project was completed as smoothly as possible and that change management would be a straightforward process.”