Leading CSP increases revenue by 10% with Nexign

Leading CSP increases revenue by 10% with Nexign

Chinguitel has increased its revenue thanks to Nexign

Success story summary

Chinguitel is one of the largest communications service providers in Mauritania.

When Chinguitel’s billing system failed to bill subscribers accurately and revenue decreased, the company worked quickly to resolve the problem. Chinguitel compared solutions from several companies and chose Nexign.


Chinguitel has an excellent reputation for providing subscribers with top-notch services, yet the company never stops innovating.

Chinguitel’s previous billing system was built solely for prepaid subscribers. To serve post-paid subscribers, the CSP used an in-house solution. As the two systems were not integrated consistently, when new products and services were introduced, postpaid subscribers were not billed correctly.

“Our legacy system had limited functionality” said Radi Abdalla Ali Almamoun, Chef Technical Officer at Chinguitel.

“It was built for prepaid subscribers, so when people requested additional services they received them but weren’t billed correctly which resulted in revenue loss.”

To improve subscriber services, Chinguitel replaced its outdated, inflexible billing system with a modern, converged solution designed for the digital era.

The solution 

Chinguitel launched 27 new subscriber services within the first 12 months of implementing Nexign. Almamoun said one of the most lucrative new services is based on geographic location.

“We target locations where our market share is low and offer service that is extremely competitive,” he said.

“We gain new subscribers, and they gain best-in-class service.”

Chinguitel’s subscriber base is growing fast. It’s expected to reach 1.5 million by the end of 2019.

“We have more leverage in the market than ever before because Nexign makes business operations more efficient,” added Almamoun.

“Since subscriber information is unified, our call centre resolves issues more efficiently. Before we deployed Nexign subscribers’ details were scattered in several locations and calls were often sent to the technical team for resolution.

“Thanks to Nexign, calls to the technical team have decreased by 40%, allowing them to focus on core duties such as reporting and analysis, which also improves business efficiency.”

Efficiency is a hallmark of Nexign.

“One of the key reasons for selecting Nexign was efficiency,” said Almamoun.

“The Nexign team implemented our new billing system and migrated our subscribers in record time – in just over seven months – while Nexign’s competitors said they needed up to 18 months to complete the project. Finishing faster let us improve subscriber services faster.”

Shortly after Nexign completed the implementation, Mauritania’s government announced an overhaul of the country’s currency, which changed its value. Nexign integrated the changes into Chinguitel’s billing system within three weeks.

“If Nexign hadn’t acted that quickly and efficiently, the government could have fined us up to US$200,000,” said Almamoun said.

“One of the things we appreciate most about Nexign is loyalty. They didn’t abandon us after deploying their solution — they’ve been with us ever since. Nexign manages our billing system so we can focus on providing the very best subscriber services.”

The very best subscriber services include digital services. Nexign is helping Chinguitel address the challenges of digitalisation, including digitising business processes to support growth, enabling analytic-based decisions to improve business agility, and creating more subscriber services to increase loyalty and diversify revenue streams.

“We have plans to capitalise on the Internet of Things (IoT) so we can provide subscribers with more personalised, relevant services,” said Almamoun.

“We’re confident our Digital Transformation will be successful and efficient with Nexign.”

The results

Modern, converged solution boosts revenue by 10%: Nexign Converged BSS and Nexign Network Monetisation Suite make business operations more efficient, giving Chinguitel more leverage in the market to boost revenue

Subscriber base is projected to increase by 50%: Nexign gives Chinguitel
the flexibility to offer new, competitive services that will grow the subscriber base to 1.5 million by the end of 2019

Digital Transformation will support long-term growth: Nexign’s engineering excellence, customised processes and a relentless focus on total cost of ownership and revenue-stream diversification will help Chinguitel digitalise its business.

“Nexign Converged BSS and Nexign Network Monetisation Suite were the obvious choice,” said Almamoun.

“Billing and charging are more accurate, revenue is increasing by 10% compared to the legacy system and our subscriber base is expected to reach 1.5 million by the end of 2019.”

“Nexign also helps us be more competitive. We’re creating innovative new services that meet subscribers’ specific needs.”

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