
Choosing the right Generative AI model for African enterprises

A flurry of AI models, generative applications, engineering tools have been released in recent months, indicative of the competitive jostling characteristic of high-stakes, early-stage markets, but are also confusing...

Did your call centre break down this Black Friday?

Call centres face the challenge of widely varying inbound calls during annual occasions like Black Friday and without automation and virtual agents will have no viable solution to handle these demands says Ryan...

African enterprises need to learn how to build bridges over resistance

African leaders would do well to approach change with an open mind, and rather than deny or attempt to escape resistance, leaders can use awareness to propel the organisation forward says Pravesh Parbhoo at Altron...

Poor data maintenance as damaging as load shedding for African businesses

When data is not given necessary attention or poor data maintenance, it can result in irreversible damage, compromising efficiency, security, stability of the African enterprise says Gary Allemann at Master Data...

Why security monitoring can provide benefits to African businesses

Modern SIEM and SOAR platforms are enriched with user and entity behaviour analytics, monitoring user accounts and devices active in the network, which can benefit African businesses explains Tony Walt at Port443....

Reducing Africa’s digital divide with fixed wireless access

Fixed wireless access emerges as an instrument to bridge Africa’s digital divide and regulators should release frequencies for 5G fixed wireless access quickly and affordably writes Chafic Traboulsi at Ericsson....