Industry Expert

Mimecast: Wannacrypt ransomware – an action plan to improve your cyber r...

The global reach and considerable impact of the WannaCrypt (WannaCry/Wcry) ransomware is a wake-up call for organisations and governments around the world. This ongoing cyberthreat will continue to adapt to take...

Networks, the unsung heroes of today’s connected lifestyle

Communication technology continues to evolve at an amazingly accelerated rate. In 1972, with the start of HBO, cable TV began its rapid growth. Later in the decade, the PC era kicked off with the introduction of the...

Coming to grips with the enterprise cloud

At present, conversations within IT organisations are centred on the topic of ‘enterprise cloud’. In the simplest terms, enterprise cloud is cloud infrastructure designed to deliver the same agility as the...

Digital resilience: a better way to cybersecurity

Who says prevention is better than cure? Since the advent of networks and hacking, prevention, coupled with detection, has been the primary cyber strategy to counter cyberattacks. But, with the exponential increase in...

Ransomware by the numbers and 7 practical tips to prevent attacks on backup...

If one thing has the attention of IT decision makers worldwide, it is the risk of ransomware. We frequently see headlines on outages caused by ransomware and the reality is that this is a big problem for organisations...

Data centre investment leaders highlight Africa investment opportunity

Large scale data centre investment opportunities are increasing in sub-Saharan Africa as key commercial hubs benefit from the critical combination of high quality international backbone infrastructure (subsea cable)...

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