New research from VMware reveals Kubernetes becomes mainstream

New research from VMware reveals Kubernetes becomes mainstream

The State of Kubernetes 2022 report from VMWare reveals that Kubernetes has now entered the mainstream with two-thirds of developers now running Kubernetes in multiple clouds.

VMware has launched The State of Kubernetes 2022 report, revealing that Kubernetes has now entered the mainstream, with 99% of respondents saying they have realized benefits from deploying the technology.

Developers are also taking advantage of multi-cloud strategies, with two-thirds now running Kubernetes in multiple clouds.

Based on a survey of 776 qualified software development and IT professionals, the key benefits indicated include: improved resource utilization and spend (59%), easier application upgrades (49%) and slicker cloud migration (42%).

The report also shows that security is still a top concern among nearly all respondents (99%), and more than half (51%) recognize that there is a lack of internal experience and expertise to deploy and manage Kubernetes.

“The last few years have cemented people’s desires to use Kubernetes as the standard layer on-top of infrastructure, across private and public cloud, often both. Usage has moved beyond the early users and more into the mainstream”, said Michael Cote, Staff Technologist at VMware.

“Although there’s still a lot of build out to come, you’d be hard pressed to find people who aren’t putting together plans to deploy Kubernetes, let alone who already have as the survey shows. This mainstreaming is growing the need for Kubernetes management tools and even distro, especially when it comes to security and supporting developer experience. And, indeed, almost 100% of people in this survey are interested in finding and paying for tools that help them get the full benefits out of the Kubernetes lifestyle”.

Further report findings include:

Kubernetes has crossed the chasm:

  • One of the clearest signs that Kubernetes is mainstreaming is the rapid growth in the number of clusters being deployed: 29% of organizations have more than 50 clusters and almost half (48%) expect the number of Kubernetes clusters they operate to grow by more than 50%.
  • The factors that have contributed to the increased adoption include:
    • Improving software development: 62% chose increasing flexibility of applications and 54% selected better developer efficiency as key reasons.
    • Cloud adoption: 59% of respondents chose improving cloud utilization and 46% picked reducing cost of cloud as important factors in adoption.
    • Operator efficiency: More than a third (37%) said the need to improve operator efficiency was a selection factor.

Multi-cloud predominates:

One of the main reasons that organizations are adopting Kubernetes is because it delivers clear benefits for rapidly expanding cloud operations. There is an accelerating trend away from on-premises and single-cloud Kubernetes deployments in favor of hybrid and multi-cloud:

  • Respondents whose Kubernetes footprint is mostly for development favor on-premises (62%) or a single public cloud vendor (42%).
  • By comparison, those whose Kubernetes footprint is geared toward production prefer multiple public cloud vendors (52%) followed by on-premises (47%) and a single public cloud vendor (42%).
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