F5 fortifies Australian Government’s digital infrastructure

F5 fortifies Australian Government’s digital infrastructure

F5 has outlined the crucial role it plays in securing Australian Government agencies with a wide range of agreements across local, state and federal levels.

In Australia, more than 20 Federal Government agencies and 40 State Government agencies now depend on F5 to ensure mission-critical apps are always secure, available and fast.

Additionally, F5 works with Local Government agencies, major banks, telecommunications providers and organisations across the health, retail, and education sectors.

“The skills gap means public sector departments are competing for talent against the deep pockets of the private sector.

“Our heavy investment in the automation and AI capabilities of our solutions, particularly F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP, is helping the public sector bridge the tech skills gap,” said Jason Baden, Regional Vice President, A/NZ, F5.

F5 has also seen rapid adoption of the F5 Distributed Clous Services platform, launched last year, across all levels of government, plus organisations in the public and private sector.

The 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy emphasises the importance of safeguarding critical infrastructure and government systems against evolving threats.

Furthering its commitment to the Australian Government F5 recently announced its completion of the Infosec Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) Assessment for F5 Distributed Cloud Services.

F5’s completion of this assessment is said to assure both private and public sector organisations that F5’s Distributed Cloud Services achieve the high standard required to store and process protected level information.

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