Relief Validation becomes Bangladesh’s first commercial e-Signature Provider

Relief Validation becomes Bangladesh’s first commercial e-Signature Provider

Relief Validation, a joint venture of Veridos and DG Infotech, is making a significant contribution to the “Smart Bangladesh” initiative.

The company has been accredited by Bangladesh’s Controller of Certification Authorities (CCA) as one of the first providers of fully fledge, legally valid e-signatures.

With its platform, Relief Validation enables all citizens, companies and institutions in Bangladesh to use e-signatures that are equivalent to traditional handwritten signatures on paper documents. One of Relief Validation’s first contractual partners is the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology – using the company’s solution to issue electronically signed digital diplomas to its students.

Legally valid e-signatures also play a crucial role in realizing the Smart Bangladesh vision initiative aiming at the transformation of Bangladesh into a digitally advanced and sustainable society.

The joint venture Relief Validation is led by the German company Veridos and the Bangladeshi company DG Infotech. Veridos is a global provider of integrated identity solutions and is already the supplier of Bangladesh’s e-passports. DG Infotech is a provider of innovative digital solutions in the financial sector of Bangladesh, digital payment disbursement and identification solutions for government institutions.

“We are proud to play a pioneering role as the first e-signature provider in Bangladesh,” said Marc-Julian Siewert, CEO, Veridos. “Our e-signing solution provides a secure and efficient platform for digital transactions, making an important contribution to the digitalization of Bangladesh.”

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