Wasabi Technologies joins SINET academic information network

Wasabi Technologies joins SINET academic information network

Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, has joined SINET (Science Information NETwork), the academic information network provided by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), as a cloud storage service provider, enabling the availability of Wasabi hot cloud storage via SINET.

Universities and research institutes using SINET can now use Wasabi hot cloud storage over SINET’s high-speed and secure closed network.

SINET is an information and telecommunications network built and operated by NII as an academic information infrastructure for universities and research institutions throughout Japan. Currently, more than 1,000 universities and research institutions nationwide are subscribers, and more than 3 million researchers and students are using SINET.

With the ever-increasing volume of data, such as research data, backup data and video data for on-demand classes, it is essential for universities and research institutions to be able to quickly upload and download large volumes of data.

“Educational institutions require fast, secure access to data in order to help propel the innovation of students while also staying within tight budgets,” said Aki Wakimoto, Japan Country Manager, Wasabi Technologies.

“Cloud storage plays a critical role in enabling data access and Wasabi offers cloud storage at a fraction of the cost of other providers while maintaining the best performance. We’re excited to join the SINET community and provide Wasabi hot cloud storage to users across Japan.”