Get to Know: Vincent Tang, Vice President, Asia, Epicor

Get to Know: Vincent Tang, Vice President, Asia, Epicor

Vincent Tang, Vice President, Asia, Epicor, tells what time in tech has taught him so far.

What would you describe as your most memorable achievement?

My 25 years with Epicor is my most memorable achievement, as I progressed through various roles from Territory Manager to Regional Director, Senior Regional Director, then to Regional Vice President, and ultimately Vice President, Asia. It’s been a rewarding journey, working on significantly expanding our presence in Asia, and growing our operations from just three offices to ten offices. A particularly special moment was leading the Southeast Asia region to triple its business growth over the past seven years.

What first made you think of a career in technology?

I felt that by studying Computer Science degree at university would allow me to make a meaningful contribution to society. After graduating in the UK, I returned to Hong Kong and began my career in a technology company, eager to apply the knowledge I had gained from university.

What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position?

Coaching is at the core of my management philosophy. I believe that placing the right people in the right positions is crucial for business success. It is important to help the team understand not just what they need to do, but why they are doing the tasks, and how to best approach their work. While no individual is perfect, a strong team can achieve perfection together – where one plus one will give you more than two (1 + 1 > 2).  I do see that potential without interference translates to performance. At Epicor, support for each other is built into our corporate culture. We know that success comes from working together and removing any interferences, so we can perform well. We work hard and play hard.

What do you think is the current hot technology talking point?

AI remains at the forefront of discussions, along with smart manufacturing, cloud computing and big data. These technologies are driving significant innovation and transformation across industries, shaping the future of businesses operations in an increasingly digital world. AI, in particular, stands out as a transformative tool for manufacturers seeking a competitive edge. Epicor enables organisations to leverage the role of AI in modern ERP solutions, enhancing operational capabilities with data-driven insights.

By leveraging GenAI we aim to provide natural user experiences that are intuitive for employees to use. This technology helps automate repetitive tasks, manage inventory, boost production uptime, and ensure timely deliveries.

Creating trust and confidence among users is key to empowering the workforce to make informed decisions without the need for extensive AI training.

Epicor focuses on developing a people-centric AI experience that harmonises with existing manufacturing processes. By doing so, we support organisations in adopting AI technologies that integrate smoothly into their operations, driving efficiency and innovation while ensuring user adoption and trust.

How do you deal with stress and unwind outside the office?

I find balance by going to the gym, listening to music, and taking holiday breaks. I do practice self-coaching by reminding myself to consider the worst-case scenario to put things in perspective or to pre-empt certain circumstances.

What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry?

Investments in our industry are usually centered on advancing cloud technology and enhancing smart manufacturing ERP systems. We also dedicate resources to expanding and strengthening our partner recruitment and enablement initiatives. With our community of trusted partners, we deliver unique expertise and great capabilities, helping customers succeed and scale effectively to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving market.

What are the region-specific challenges when implementing new technologies in APAC?

In APAC, the adoption and acceptance of cloud technology face hurdles due to a mindset resistance to change, especially among those accustomed to traditional on-premise solutions. And of course, there is intense competition in the region for new technologies, making it challenging for businesses to choose the best option. We do observe a noticeable trend of organisations transitioning away from “tier-one” ERP plans from leading tech companies to Epicor, as they find the subscription plans of tier-one providers are quite costly and often under-utilised.

In uncertain economic conditions, finance teams often question the value of paying such high maintenance fees, especially when only a portion of the software’s functionality is used. Epicor offers a more cost-effective solution with greater freedom for customisation, aligning better with organisational needs and processes.

What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months?

Over the last year, my job role has remained relatively stable, while the company has experienced steady and continuous growth in the region. In the next 12 months, the focus will shift to recruiting and enabling more partners to provide wider regional coverage, which is vital for sustaining our business growth.

We are committed to building a collaborative community to work smarter, as success cannot be achieved in silos. This community, built upon a strong network of powerful relationships will drive growth, working hand-in-hand to sell, implement, extend and support Epicor solutions for customers worldwide. 

What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain a C-level position in your industry?

Good planning and execution with persistence are essential starting points. The first step is to cultivate a bold vision and embrace challenges with confidence. Focus will have to come with strategic thinking, and development of strong interpersonal skills. Above all, it is essential to commit to continuous learning and self-development. True leadership involves being a role model and bringing out the best in others while driving the organisation toward its vision.

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