
Most Australian businesses leave half the sensitive data they store in the...

Only 8% of Australian and 26% of New Zealand businesses are encrypting at least half of the sensitive data they store in the cloud, while only 15% of Australian and 10% of New Zealand organizations retain total...

Study reveals insider threats cost organisations US$15.4 million annually, up...

Negligent insiders are the root cause of 56% of cyberattack incidents, while credential thefts have almost doubled and are the costliest to remediate, at an average of over US$800,000 per incident. Proofpoint has...

Five things you need to know to secure your workplace

Sydney-based Murray Mills, Manager – Cybersecurity at Tecala, tells us how companies can identify cybersecurity gaps that may require external assistance or additional resourcing. With 2022 now underway...

Contextual analytics, cybersecurity mesh and zero-touch service management to...

Rajesh Ganesan, Vice President, ManageEngine talks to us about his technological predictions for 2022 and how to tackle them. The role of IT has expanded significantly over the last two years with organizations...

DHL Supply Chain Singapore supports business expansion with Avaya OneCloud

DHL Supply Chain has accelerated its business expansion with the help of a suite of Avaya OneCloud solutions. DHL Supply Chain, a leading global contract logistics provider, has accelerated its business expansion to...

Communication and collaboration key to remote working success

Melbourne-based Alok Kulkarni, CEO and Co-founder, Cyara, tells us why good communication and collaboration with dispersed, remote teams are key to an organization’s success. Workplaces around the globe have...

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