MedOne: Israel’s premium data centre provider improves performance

MedOne: Israel’s premium data centre provider improves performance


Finding a cloud service to meet enterprise client needs
Established in 1999, with a vision to bring high-speed Internet to Israel, MedOne focuses on next-generation data centre services, delivered from the most advanced and secure data centres in the Middle East. MedOne offers its enterprise clients a wide array of solutions, including collocation solutions for main computer rooms and production sites, backup and disaster recovery sites, and comprehensive business continuity solutions.

MedOne operates from three underground data centres spanning more than 17,000m2 in central and northern Israel. These data centres, which are the first of their kind in Israel, were created according to a highly stringent design process in compliance with international standards, with an emphasis on resiliency and in implementing the strictest security measures in Israel. The data centre facilities serve as the main Israeli connectivity hub linking all Israeli ISPs among themselves and to the rest of the world.

MedOne’s clients operate across all industry sectors, including financial services, government, high technology, and others. Strict local regulations prevented many of MedOne’s enterprise clients from using offshore cloud services, and local cloud vendors were not able to offer the security, service level agreements (SLAs), and performance they required.

To meet client demand, MedOne decided to become a premium public cloud provider and, rather than build its own services, MedOne opted to partner with an existing and successful cloud services provider. Moreover, a partner that would enable the company to rapidly bring to market a set of mature cloud services. In 2014, after defining the ideal requirements for its cloud services from a survey of its existing client base, MedOne engaged with all of the world’s leading cloud services providers to find the ideal cloud partner.


Delivering a secure, high-performance, resilient cloud
After selecting Dimension Data as its cloud services solution and joining the OneCloud Partner Program, MedOne deployed instances of Dimension Data’s Managed Cloud Platform on its own infrastructure in two of its three underground data centres. This enabled MedOne to comply with the strict geographic -separation requirements in Israel for business continuity. The service – MedOneCloud – also meets Israel’s stringent security regulations, provides an exclusive and unprecedented 99.999% availability SLA, and access to a standardised global network of cloud computing resources.

MedOne initially provided its clients with public and hybrid cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and that has now formed the basis of MedOneCloud, a complete, end-to-end cloud service. MedOne is also building a partner ecosystem comprising systems integrators and the best technology vendors in each solutions area. Through its partners, MedOne also offers its enterprise clients platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions.

Cloud delivering performance, availability gains
One of Israel’s largest insurance companies recently migrated a mission-critical production system to MedOneCloud. This system provides over 3,000 insurance agents across Israel with the tools they need to on-board and manage their customers. As a result of moving to the cloud, the insurance company is experiencing much better performance and availability, at the same time reducing overall operational costs with a consumption-based service. More importantly, this production system is now much more secure and complies to their strict requirements, and the performance and latency issues that were having a direct impact on the business are a thing of the past. The insurance company is now considering further migrations to the cloud.


Cloud services with peace of mind
MedOne’s dominant position as the leading data centre service provider in Israel has enabled the company to rapidly become the cloud provider of choice for enterprise clients. It now has a compelling end-to-end services offering combining the best of consumption-based IT-as-a-service (ITaaS) with the level of security, performance, availability, and locality required by the enterprise market in Israel.

The OneCloud partnership meant that MedOne was able to rapidly bring a set of mature, world-class cloud services to the Israeli market, and build a suite of value-added services around that cloud offering.

With its cloud platforms hosted in the most secure and highly-available underground data centres in the Middle East, MedOne has been able to deliver cloud services that meet the unique needs of Israel’s corporations and government agencies. These services are enabling Israel’s enterprise sector to meet their digital transformation goals, with the peace of mind required for organisations operating in the region.