Super information highway improves teamwork at Reale Group

Super information highway improves teamwork at Reale Group


Why Reale Group wants to collaborate across countries

To become a global player, Reale Group wanted to build a ‘super information highway’ between their operations in Italy and Spain. They needed to improve collaboration between their 3,100 employees, and create an environment that would facilitate teamwork.

Reale Group, founded in 1828 in Turin, is Italy’s oldest insurance company, and provides insurance, real estate brokering, banking and financial services to more than 3.8 million customers in Italy and Spain.

Their vision is to become a global player and wanted employees in Italy and Spain to collaborate and communicate seamlessly. To enable this, they needed a metropolitan network to connect offices in these two countries.

It was also necessary to consolidate their Italian operations into three offices: a new head office building in as well as another office in Turin and an office in Collecchio.

A critical requirement was to deploy reliable infrastructure that would provide the platform for delivering communication and collaboration services across the Group. The infrastructure had to be multi-vendor so that the technological independence of the companies could be maintained.


How an advanced infrastructure fulfils Reale Group’s objectives

Dimension Data and TIM provided Reale Group with a turnkey solution including a high-speed metropolitan network connecting offices in Italy and Spain. Networking, security and communications infrastructure was deployed at the Group’s Italian head office and then duplicated at its office in Spain.

Reale Ites is the IT services company of Reale Group and they appointed Dimension Data and TIM to jointly provide a turnkey solution.

Antonio Motta, Infrastructure Manager at Reale Ites says, “After assessing the different options in the market, we called for bids from suppliers. We wanted examples of best practice for this type of project and chose Dimension Data and TIM, because they interpreted our requirements correctly.”

Dimension Data and TIM designed and built a fibre-optic metropolitan campus network with a redundant fibre optical ring to connect the Italian and Spanish offices. The head office in Italy was equipped with a LAN and a wireless network, and security and video conferencing technologies. The same project was replicated at the Spanish office. Cisco technology was utilised to meet the specific demands of the Group’s business.


What Reale Group can do now to compete globally

The Group’s employees in Italy and Spain communicate and collaborate seamlessly. Users benefit from the same services, guaranteeing similar user experiences. Reale Group reports that internal collaboration, as well as teamwork, has increased.

Reale Group now has a future-proof infrastructure with a platform that provides advanced communication and collaboration services to employees, such as multi-media messaging, video conferencing and digital signage in the buildings. All their employees use services from the same infrastructure which means that the user experience is guaranteed.

In line with their vision to become a global player, employees from Italy and Spain can now collaborate and work in teams to improve services to customers. Employees freely use video conferencing, and as a result, they have been able to cut travel costs.

They have also seen that the advanced collaboration and communication technologies have encouraged better teamwork among employees. The wi-fi network in the head office has increased mobility among employees and they can work from anywhere in the building.