Seamless delivers contactless payment solution to Oney España

Seamless delivers contactless payment solution to Oney España

MeaWallet A/S (“MeaWallet”), part of Seamless Distribution AB, has signed an agreement with the Spanish specialised credit institution, Oney España (“Oney”) for delivery of MeaWallet’s proprietary technology for contactless card payments.

The technology will be delivered as a managed service, integrating MeaWallet´s tokenization platform with Oney´s banking application. The solution will enable Oney’s clients to perform contactless card payments through the bank´s existing banking application. The first phase will be a pilot for a limited number of users and then a second phase with commercial roll-out to all Oney’s customers.

The order value of the contract is within the normal range for single card scheme setups provided by MeaWallet, i.e. between 200,000 and 350,000 Euro over a three-year period.

Oney España is a Spanish specialised credit institution, providing credit cards and consumer loans. Oney enables retailers to offer their customers more simple, secure, cross-channel and innovative shopping paths. This fits perfectly to the Mea Token Platform for MDES and the rest of the managed services portfolio of products from MeaWallet. Oney España is part of the French Oney Bank S.A., operating in 11 countries.

Lars Sandtorv, Head of MeaWallet: – We are proud to deliver the pilot and the production version of Mea Token Platform for MDES to Oney, hopefully only the first of many Oney installations. We are getting good feed-back from the market on our quality of service and business model and are certain that this will appeal to a broad part of the issuers’ in 2018.