Lumen launches 400G services across Europe

Lumen launches 400G services across Europe

Lumen Technologies continues to invest in the strength of its network and help businesses to grow their digital platforms, with the build out of its 400Gbps (400G) wavelength network across Europe. Wavelength services offer businesses the dedicated, secure connectivity they’re demanding.

Lumen has deployed its intercity 400G wavelength network in Europe across 50 markets. This gives customers unparalleled, diverse routing options in building a resilient core digital network. Lumen has enabled more than half of its intercity network footprint in Europe to support 400G wavelength services, as well as 70 data centres and two transatlantic routes on subsea cable systems, Grace Hopper and Dunant.

Lumen is seeing significant demand for 400G wavelength services from enterprises, government agencies, hyperscalers and wholesale customers seeking high-bandwidth interconnections between their data centres and public cloud. 

The intercity expansion will continue throughout 2023 and beyond, extending this network and pushing it deeper into the metro edge. Lumen will look at customer demand to determine where its wavelength network will expand next.

The network needs to be where customers’ data and applications are going. Lumen is investing to help build scalable networks in data centres and the public cloud. Lumen Wavelength Services help modernise the customers’ core digital network, giving the required resiliency, scalability and ultra-low latency to help businesses grow. Wavelengths are private, dedicated connections – providing a highly secure network solution on which to run critical applications.