ICO reveals 90 organisations hit by Capita cyberattack

ICO reveals 90 organisations hit by Capita cyberattack

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has revealed that around 90 organisations suffered personal data breaches following the recent Capita cyberattack that happened in March 2023. 

The outsourcing giant is said to have left a pool of data unsecured online and hundreds of thousands of customers have been warned that they could be victims of the attack, while Capita said they are taking steps to secure the data. 

Capita handles data for millions of people, for both private and public organisations, including companies that administer payments from pension schemes as well as local councils. Pension funds such as The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), the UK’s main pension fund for universities, are among the victims whose data has been compromised due to this attack.

“Attacks of this kind are a reminder that all organisations must be increasingly vigilant around the protection of data and how to handle a cyberattack when it occurs, or else risk huge reputational and financial loss,” said Achi Lewis, Area VP EMEA for Absolute Software. “Even organisations that have security protections in place are not exempt from an attack and it is vital that businesses are not just trying to stop cyberattacks from happening but are building resiliency to respond to attacks and secure systems and devices.” 

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