Energy intensive industries across Europe urged to consider decentralised energy solutions amid French grid issues

Energy intensive industries across Europe urged to consider decentralised energy solutions amid French grid issues

Following news of rising energy costs caused by French grid limitations, Aggreko, an energy solutions provider, has urged energy intensive industries in the region to consider moving to decentralised models to mitigate rising costs and resilience issues.
The call comes as French power-grid operator, RTE, reported capacity for transmitting electricity to Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy has been reduced since early March.

As wholesale electricity prices in these regions increase as a result, energy intensive industries across these countries may not only be experiencing rising operational costs, but also risk reduced resilience on site.

With the renewable energy transition set to put further strain on electricity grids across Europe, energy intensive industries could improve resilience, better manage operational costs and continue make sustainability progress through temporary decentralised solutions.

“The continued volatility of the energy market across Europe poses a significant challenge to organisations,” said Chris Rason, Managing Director, Aggreko Energy Services. “Energy intensive industries such as manufacturing, data centres and the chemicals industry are facing rising costs and resilience issues on their sites which must be carefully balanced with their sustainability progress and decarbonisation.

“With grid supply and cost set to continue to fluctuate across the region as more intermittent renewable production grows, it is time for organisations to consider decentralised solutions to mitigate cost, bolster resilience and continue decarbonising,” added Rason.

Aggreko outlined how companies can mitigate grid disruption and safeguard their power provision in its report, Race to Resilience. Identifying tools that can help stakeholders to guarantee long-term energy security on site, the document also explores how its portfolio of Greener Upgrades solutions can provide onsite resilience, while reducing emissions and operational costs.

Supporting the European energy transition by making new technologies more widely available to customers forms a key part of Aggreko’s sustainability framework, Energising Change. Through its Greener Upgrades portfolio, the company is able to ensure customers can prioritise energy resilience onsite, maintain control of operational costs and continue to prioritise their sustainability goals.

“Having invested heavily in our fleet of solutions, Aggreko remains committed to supporting industries across Europe through the energy transition,” said Rason. “While economic conditions may prevent capital investment in permanent expenditure, we are able to support these companies with implementing a decentralised solution on site through temporary solutions. As the grid is improved and renewable production is developed further across the continent, adopting a decentralised approach will best place companies to prioritise their sustainability goals.”

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