Banking & Finance

Survey reveals UK CISOs driving blindfolded, with limited visibility and...

A study of 600 CISOs explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a transformation in the shift to home working and how this has contributed to the rise in the number of cyberattacks targeting organisations. A new...

Customer experience: A critical differentiator for financial organisations

Ensuring effective and enjoyable customer experiences is now a business imperative for financial organisations and those that apply relevant strategies will be setting themselves up to be competitive in the future...

Brewin Dolphin invests in the security of its client data

As one of the UK’s leading wealth managers, Brewin Dolphin recognises the importance of operating with robust technical and physical solutions in place to provide data security for its customers. Simon Mair,...

Credem goes live with Temenos Infinity in the cloud to deliver frictionless...

Temenos, the banking software company, has announced that Credito Emiliano S.p.A. (Credem), one of the top 10 banks in Italy, has gone live with a new mobile app, based on cloud-native Temenos Infinity, to accelerate...

Turkey’s largest private bank chooses Commencis’ Dataroid platform to e...

Isbank has invested in a data analytics and action platform to create seamless customer journeys through its touchpoints. H. Mete Güneş, Isbank’s Digital Banking Division Head, explains the benefits of working with Com...

DNB uses data-driven insights to reconnect and deliver services to its...

DNB has utilised Denodo’s data virtualisation platform to act as a data marketplace for the data science team. Aidan Millar, Chief Data and Analytics Officer, DNB, discusses this in more detail and tells us how...

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