Banco ABC accelerates modernization of systems in the cloud

Banco ABC accelerates modernization of systems in the cloud

Banco ABC Brasil received a tribute from the American multinational Informatica, alongside giants such as Twitch and Unilever, for its investments in the modernization of its cloud computing system.

Specifically, for the speed and quality in the implementation of its Data and Data Governance Platform, a project led by Rafael Kataoka, Head of Data and Information Security at Banco ABC.

In the process of its Digital Transformation, Banco ABC is becoming, more and more, a data-oriented organization, which means that its central point of decision-making is the massive use of analytical intelligence.

Kataoka, said: “By structuring an analytical layer of data, the bank is building solutions in products and services with better experiences for our customers, building new relationship channels with statistical models that better manage these customers.”

He highlighted that all these strategies and initiatives are to keep up with new advances and regulations.

The honor is significant as Informatica is one of the largest cloud enterprise data management companies in the world, with more than 17 trillion monthly transactions on its platform and more than 200 services offered to clients such as Unilever, Twitch, Johnson & Johnson and America Airlines, which this year were winners of the company’s awards.