Mavi Occidente pioneers new shopping experiences through PWA technology

Mavi Occidente pioneers new shopping experiences through PWA technology

The Mexican retail specialist, Mavi Occidente, decided to boost e-commerce with Adobe, a leader in Digital Transformation in customer experience. The result was a 100% improvement in performance and a 50% reduction in bounce rate.

Bringing the store to customers became essential and mandatory soon after the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. Companies that had already implemented Digital Transformation strategies early could mitigate the economic impact by accelerating the implementation of their e-commerce projects.

Mavi Occidente understood how crucial it is and started to improve e-commerce experiences. In less than a year, the company obtained significant results.

In 2020 and driven by the changes brought by the pandemic, Mavi decided to take its e-commerce to the next level, radically transforming its business. When the company ventured into e-commerce, it chose the open-source Magento Community platform.

They experimented and had their first e-commerce launches, seeking to understand the technological ecosystem.

The e-commerce team knew the need to engage more directly with customers and rethought its strategy considering the rise of e-commerce platforms which comprise the emergence of Progressive Web Apps, PWA and the importance of social networking mobile devices.

Leonid Rosas, CIO, Mavi de Occidente

Leonid Rosas, CIO, Mavi de Occidente, said: “One of the reasons for the success was the participation of senior management and stakeholders in decision making. It helped to have a clear vision of the e-commerce ecosystem that cuts across all business areas. The organization is leading the Digital Transformation strategy across the board, which drives the achievements.”

In addition, it is essential to choose a technological platform that provides the necessary elements to achieve the objectives, including integration with the business application system that every organization has and choosing the implementation partner with the experience required to maximize the achievement of the goals. For that matter, Mavi worked with OMNI.PRO, achieving excellent results in a short time.

Rosas points out that the first step is the homologation of the strategic vision. All areas involved must know what the organization is trying to achieve.

It is necessary to correlate these operational flows, detect where processes need to be automated or systematized, strengthen security and information mechanisms and implement quality controls from the back office.

On the front-office aspect, it is essential to streamline omnichannel strategies, the commercial and logistics side and enhance the promotion process. According to Rosas, the marketing and supply areas must now deal directly with devising strategies to move on to parameterization.

Mavi managed to align the different visions and integrated people from the marketing, operations, finance, technology, customer service and commercial departments.

Rosas says that this multidisciplinary work model, which unified the vision of key areas on how to execute the project, was one of the success factors that helped them materialize the implemented plan.

For MAVI, having clear and measurable goals and a good definition of what success would look like at the beginning of the project was as important as the project itself. In a critical implementation, it is necessary to be able to compare whether or not the company is getting results and moving in the right direction.

Digitizing experiences

One of the main objectives from the group when starting this process of Digital Transformation was to have the attention of customers who buy online. To achieve this, the company had to display its entire product catalog in an online store with much more robust e-commerce. With the new implementations, Mavi changed the shopping experience so that a unique customer profile could focus on Mavi, thanks to the new 100% digital, fast and flexible experiences.

According to Humberto Guerrero, E-Commerce Manager, Mavi, with the implementation of its e-commerce, customers are having a better experience in the conversion flow or their purchase. Guerrero considers that the performance platform is very significant as customers are always looking for quick actions.

Progressive web apps as the basis of the strategy

One of the keys to Mavis’ customer Digital Transformation was Progressive Web Apps, which offer the possibility to make a web page behave like a native mobile app in terms of loading speed.

Users can access many hardware parts of the device, such as the camera, or use fingerprints for authentication if, for example, they want to implement credit projects. According to Mavi Mexican market analysis, more than 80% of online store traffic is through mobile devices. It is why progressive web apps are so important.

They facilitate the user experience and allow access to native mobile services, such as geolocation, the camera and other elements essential to offering omnichannel experiences.

Guerrero said that navigation was slow for the user but with the Adobe Commerce platform and the integration with Adobe PWA Studio, the navigation is fast now.  Mavi now leads the Mexico market, where they have been using this technology and are beginning to exploit it very effectively.

With the Adobe Commerce Cloud platform, the drop shipping process improved and strengthened, making it possible to offer a variety of items to help customers with their buying decision.

Making multiple products available is important in the shopping experience because the customer can compare the available information and products to make a better decision.

“For customers who are not so familiar with digital or have not experienced much online shopping, we support them in the transactions through the assisted sale using the electronic commerce platform,” said Rosas.


Mavi highlights that the Adobe platform adds more stability, improving its metrics management. The company has improved speed, reduced bounce rate by 50%, customer loyalty and platform performance improved by 100%, and sales had a significant increase.

There are many e-commerce platforms and that is why it is essential to offer a personalized checkout flow to customers through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It is crucial to use technological algorithms that companies like Adobe have to be able to offer a personalized purchase.

“It is not a good experience for the user to enter a site looking for one item and see several other products. Ideally, they should enter the site and see varieties of the same item they are looking for,” said Guerrero.

“It is important to focus on this type of personalized sales since Artificial Intelligence will be vital in the next few years. We have been talking about this for years, but the pandemic pushed it pretty hard. It is part of what will impact e-commerce.”