Delfia helps Zoop extract maximum value from Datadog observability platform

Delfia helps Zoop extract maximum value from Datadog observability platform

Zoop, a leading fintech for embedded financial services in Brazil, has enjoyed enhanced productivity since it replaced 10 monitoring tools with Datadog.

Delfia, curator of digital journeys and technology consulting firm, has announced the results achieved by Zoop, a leading fintech in technology for embedded financial services in Brazil, with the use of the Datadog observability solution.

The Zoop payment platform processes transactions from credit cards, POS machines and mobile phones. With cloud servers, Zoop needed to speed up customer registration, issue a white label credit card and check information at the Central Bank.

The system tracks the transaction and sends the data to Zoop’s platform, which returns the payment authorization in a timely manner so as not to impact the customer. This flow requires agile processes for the completion of the online transaction.

Zoop faced a high cost of licensing and operating 10 monitoring tools. To further elevate the quality of service delivered to the market, Zoop replaced the 10 monitoring solutions with the Datadog platform implemented in the company with the support of Delfia curators. 

Among the results obtained with this advance is the reduction in the approval time of payment transactions, the decrease in denial of services due to lack of information and the increase in the Service Level Agreement (SLA) delivered by Zoop to its customers.

“We have achieved the so-called ‘full resolution time’, identifying the root of problems in both applications and infrastructure – this allows us to make quick adjustments,” said Zoop’s Technology Manager, Laszlo Fent.

The analysis of infrastructure and application performance, which used to take hours, is now done in minutes. Another achievement was to reduce from 20 to seven days the period between the identification and correction of a problem – including software development steps. Zoop also reduced the average customer service time (AHT) from 12 days to six hours.

Speed in the processing of transactions is Zoop’s differential

To keep track of the large volumes of customers’ financial transactions, the fintech – a cloud-native – uses the Datadog tool to map the logs. Logs are detailed records of events and activities. For Zoop’s IT team, log analysis is critical to diagnose problems and evaluate the performance of systems, automating from a complex network in the cloud.

The logs analyzed by Datadog also contribute to Zoop’s 24×7 security incident management team. 

Datadog monitors the various workflows, the so-called microservices, correlating information in a unified way and giving agility to credit authorization. Zoop’s entire park is in the cloud, connected to 500 Datadog performance monitors that, based on pre-defined parameters, point out when a system is out of standard, even indicating possible corrections.

“The alignment of our processes with the discipline of observability and the speed of resolution are achievements that have become a major business differentiator for the Zoop payment platform,” said Fent. 

Parameterized processes streamline management

As a critical partner of banks and retail companies, Zoop’s team parameterizes processes in a scalable way, creating visions that anticipate peaks in demand such as Christmas or Black Friday, with a very high volume of transactions.

This journey was taken with the support of the curators Delfia. The goal was to evaluate the scenarios and define contingency plans for non-standard events, adjusting the systems when they are close to the processing limit, taking into account the history of the application.

“Our monitoring portal points out consumption peaks. If necessary, the team can take an application offline, reducing the load on one server to save another, avoiding system outages,” explains Fent.

50 Terabytes of logs per month

For Rodrigo Bocchi, CEO of Delfia, Zoop is an example of financial and digital intelligence in the Brazilian market.

“The use that the company is making of the observability discipline and the Datadog solution is already part of its DNA,” he said. “As a result, Zoop delivers differentiated SLA guarantees to companies that rely on its cloud to conduct business.” 

To give you an idea of the volume of transactions, Zoop moves 50 Terabytes of logs per month. This immense asset was mapped with the support of Delfia in the phase of replacing the old 10 tools with Datadog.

“It was strategic work. The goal was to review this treasure trove of logs, creating classifications that would collaborate with the predictive management of this critical and ever-expanding environment,” said Bocchi.