Gilat to enhance 4G backhaul for IPT in Peru

Gilat to enhance 4G backhaul for IPT in Peru

Six-year order follows Gilat’s award of $17m by Pronatel for expansion of regional telecommunications project in Peru. 

Gilat Satellite Networks has received a follow-on six-year order worth over US$10 million from Internet Para Todos (IPT) to deliver cellular backhaul services across rural areas in Peru. 

IPT is a sustainable global collaborative initiative between Telefónica, Meta, IDB Invest and The Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) to bridge the digital divide in Latin America under a sustainable model that would allow them to overcome the obstacles of bringing connectivity to rural and geographically complex areas. 

Building on previous contracts, Gilat will enhance its 4G cellular backhaul services with IPT over terrestrial networks across the 700 sites in six regions that Gilat operates across Peru and 100 new sites in the Peruvian jungle. 

This improvement will provide access to high-speed terrestrial connectivity to over one million more people living in rural areas. 

The IPT-Gilat relationship has been ongoing for some while. In 2022 IPT had expanded its contract with Gilat for 4G cellular backhaul services in Peru. 

Gilat has seen similar success in Peru over recent years, supplying its services for such diverse needs as rural e-learning and mission-critical telecom systems for airports. 

The IPT order is second big Peruvian win for Gilat in 2024. 

In January the company was awarded a $17 million contract by Pronatel for the expansion of a regional telecommunications project in Peru. 

Through this, Pronatel (Programa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones) is expanding its original 2018 agreement with Gilat.  

In coordination with the Amazonas regional government, Pronatel is expanding the project to include connectivity to 35 new localities and dozens of new public institutions, including schools and health posts, within the Amazonas region of the country.  

Additionally, Gilat will implement several free Wi-Fi hotspots and a community tele-center that includes computers, printers and internet services for a period of 10 years. 

At the time, Sarita Vílchez Castellanos, Executive Director, Pronatel National Telecommunications Program, said: “Through this expansion to the Broadband Project for the Amazonas region, 37 additional schools and 6 additional health posts will now have internet access to promote telehealth, tele-education and the utilization of technological tools among the citizens.  

“Citizens will also benefit from a new digital access center and additional public squares with free Wi-Fi, further promoting inclusion and digital literacy among citizens in rural areas.” 

“Now that the necessary infrastructure for the Amazonas region is nearly competed, this expansion with Pronatel will serve the people of the region well as we move into the operational phase of the project in earnest,” said Arieh Rohrstock, General Manager Gilat Peru and Gilat’s Corporate SVP.  

“Working together with Pronatel and the regional government, we’re proud to provide people more access to resources and information, bridging the digital divide and fulfilling the right of all people to be connected.” 

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