Alexandre Martinez, CEO of IT-ONE, explains that new technologies must be designed from reality to propose the most used applications. Martinez said: “It is with this thought that we can start a new moment for Brazilian industry.”
Whatever your type of work, it is sure everyone has heard someone complaining about having to do some repetitive tasks.
It can be checking or organizing files, assembling spreadsheets, analyzing endless numbers, or it can be your own model of manual work that demands attention, concentration and a good dose of checking. Almost always, these are the processes that least admit errors.
The good news, however, is that these routine demands may be close to finding their solutions, thanks to Digital Transformation and the rise of concepts such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, the Internet of Things (IoT) and so on.
To move forward, it must be clear that Digital Transformation is not to be a complete and futuristic disruption. I often say that true Digital Transformation is neither the world of the Jetsons nor the hypnotic context of Black Mirror.
Practical innovation is (and needs to be) closer to real life, solving the challenges that people and companies usually face.
Thus, the main point is this: new technologies must be thought out from reality to propose the most used applications. With this in mind, we can start an era for the Brazilian industry, simplifying routines and leveraging the existing differentials in each company and segment.
It is what the projections show. According to studies by the FrontierView consulting company, the greater adoption of Artificial Intelligence resources can help raise Brazil’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by about 4.2% by 2030.
So, imagine this potential added to other crucial trends, such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, Deep Learning and others. We can say, without a doubt, that the use of innovations is essential for industry growth in Brazil, as it is essential to the adequacy of businesses facing the issues of the post-pandemic world.
However, it should be concerned that, although these are whole worlds of opportunity for operations, digitalization (through capabilities such as AI and the cloud) does not carry out the transformation alone.
In other words, there is no point in introducing technology if the adoption happens without reason or adherence to the demands of the companies. We have to look at innovation as a strategic part of the business, providing the support for the transformations to happen and, in fact, increasing the results.
An example is the very use of these technologies in our lives. From medical services to ordering a meal via an app, there are a thousand moments in which AI, or another solution, is used. However, it is nothing. Adopting these tools only makes sense if these services (from doctors or the delivery, in this case) get better.
Without a doubt, this should be the big point when using intelligent Machine Learning algorithms and tools. We must make work simpler and the lives of customers more convenient. From that point, of course, we have a thousand possibilities.
The first gain is the possibility of automating production lines and operations, putting machines on the front line to perform repetitive jobs – as a spreadsheet, for example. With this, we can speed up daily (less strategic) tasks and decrease errors in processes that demand high checking capacity and quality – from automotive production to document checking in the financial area.
Other potential benefits of pragmatic innovation in companies are the ability to scale complex operations at a lower cost through a digital ecosystem with enormous capacity to evolve. Also, there is the chance to optimize work and delivery time, mitigating failures of all kinds and reducing rework.
Gains like these say a lot, even more so in an ever-so-competitive scenario where margins and time are worth more than gold.
The benefits from Digital Transformation are enormous, but I repeat that it is not just about having the technology itself. Before that, companies must seek partners and talent to help define what makes the most sense for the stages of the operation and what can improve using these tools.
Having state-of-the-art capabilities is only part of what intelligent digitalization can offer. Less apparent than this – and just as important – is the capacity to rely on the most effective tool to achieve or deliver the result expected by customers.
Innovation is not the invention of technology but how it changes our lives. And if each organization is unique, each must-have specific, tailor-made plans.
It is precisely why more and more companies need to be aware of what is going on without trying to embrace the world. In such a dynamic universe, gathering partners and voices from different areas are indispensable to finding the proper answers (and fast). Technology is a strategic response to needs. After all, IT, organizations, and business go increasingly together, and the new digital times are for sure making this intertwining happen much more pre-eminently and strongly.
Building the digital future is today, investing in intelligence. And it remains to be seen how the Brazilian industry will understand this call to seek opportunities in this more mobile, decentralized and unique world.