Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) plenary has decided in its fifth ordinary session to grant the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) a concession for commercial use as a wholesale shared network for leasing network capacity, infrastructure and infrastructure telecommunications services to other concessionaires and authorized parties.
Therefore, it cannot directly offer services to end-users following the provisions of Article 140 of the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law.
The resolution meets the provisions of the constitutional reform on telecommunications, which provides for wholesale networks. A new competitor is inserted in this market that will make its transport network available.
The shared use of infrastructure is favored to facilitate more telecommunications service providers reaching more locations in the national territory, even those where the current service offering is low or non-existent, promoting network deployment.
Likewise, the economies of scale associated with the deployment of the electrical infrastructure will allow greater viability in the deployment and development of the telecommunications network and, consequently, more elements for the sharing of an infrastructure that would have a more efficient and functional use for the provision of public telecommunications services.