
Investments in cybersecurity: The five mistakes that prevent the CISO from...

Thiago N. Felippe, CEO of Aiqon, outlines five mistakes that prevent CISOs from making successful cybersecurity investments. Organizations already know they have been attacked, their systems breached and critical data...

The three Cs of cybersecurity

Strong cybersecurity is the backbone of every organisation. Check Point Software agrees, outlining the three C’s methodology below and why should they be central to an organisation’s strategy moving forward. Cyb...

5G and the challenges with rising energy costs

Pedro Al Shara, CEO of TS Shara Brazil, a national manufacturer of nobreaks and voltage stabilizers, explains how 5G will impact energy consumption. The industry has been talking a lot about the potential of 5G,...

Simplifying and optimising the data management process

With the exponential growth of data, Cristián Cabezas, Solutions Director, NTT Chile, tells us how to simplify and optimise the process of data management. In the global context of the Covid-19 pandemic, companies are ...

From the C-suite to IT: Identifying anomalous behavior to stop digital...

Orion Cassetto, Director, Product Marketing, Exabeam, surveys the cybersecurity risk to different departments of a business. “The highest-ranking members of a company are often the most lucrative targets for c...

Self-service, the customer experience and the CIO

As the number of technology solutions has increased, so too has the ability for organisations to provide truly positive customer experience journeys. Jonathan Tam, VP – Marketing, Liferay, explains how the...