Focus Softnet adds hospitality solutions to portfolio

Focus Softnet adds hospitality solutions to portfolio

Focus Softnet has launched Focus Hospitality Management Suite, its comprehensive suite of Hospitality Management Solutions that digitises and automates almost all processes of the Hotel Management Domain. Focus Hospitality Management Suite offers hotels enhanced efficiencies, eliminates operational errors and personalises customer experience.

“As hotel requirements get more sophisticated, properties are finding it harder to manage the sheer volume of information being generated and the speed with which they can transform data to knowledge. To add to this, hotel properties are getting larger and are often spread over multiple geographies and hence the necessity arose to introduce software which takes complete care of a hotel property. Focus Hospitality Management Suite was released to make these increasing number of hotel operations manageable and provide real-time visibility into hotel functioning,” said Ali Hyder, Group CEO, Focus Softnet.

“The hospitality industry in the last few years has increasingly been adopting technology. Technology that makes the increasing number of hotel operations manageable and provides rapid and real-time visibility into hotel functioning. Technology that enables decision-making based on inventory, revenues, guest service and other factors and this is where the Focus Hotel Management Suite is poised to revolutionise the hospitality industry’s digital infrastructure, bringing with it attributes for which Focus is traditionally famous for, and packed with vertical specific features and capabilities under its various modules,” Hyder added.

The Focus Front Desk Application Suite comes packed with features to manage housekeeping, rate management, cashiering, front office, group reservations, and reservation management through its various modules which can be rolled out in silos, or as an integrated suite. The unique radial design of the system architecture affords maximum flexibility to hoteliers enabling them to extract exactly what they specifically require from the system.

The seamless integration-ready structure allows the suite to share information with and provide an end-to-end holistic environment either through its own modules, or with integrating with other third party solutions within the client environment.

The multi-platform rollout for the application suite ensures that the system is accessible to users on traditional PCs, tablets, mobile devices and through the cloud. The user interface is designed to seamlessly flow across devices ensuring that the user can easily transition across platforms. The internal environment of the hotels is managed through the Property Management Module and Point of Sale (POS) Systems.

The Property Management Module manages the end-to-end processes of the hotel’s functionality. The Front Office module completely handles all front office operations, the Banquet Management Module takes care of the catering side of the hotel business and the Laundry Management Utility system manages guest and hotel laundry services across the hotel eco-system.

The central backbone of the entire application is the financials core which provides multiple language and multiple currency capabilities and automatically posts transactional data and information from various modules and functions into the core financial backbone. Group consolidated reports, dashboards, KPI reports and various MIS capabilities are packed into a powerful business intelligence layer.

The Hotel Management suite also packs a powerful POS System which integrates into the core central financials management and is catered to handle all types of transactions for Food & Beverage facilities including room service. A bespoke or third party loyalty program can also be integrated with the suite of applications thereby providing hotels with the ability to rewards patrons with a variety of benefits.


The Focus Front Desk Application Suite modules include:

  • Property Management System
  • Restaurant Point of Sale
  • Web based Property Management System
  • Reservation – Online Booking Engine
  • Online Channel Manager
  • Restaurant Tablet Digital Menu
  • Online Feedback System
  • Hotel App Builders Extension API
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