Trend Micro joins forces with SCCC Alibaba Cloud to strengthen cybersecurity resilience in Saudi Arabia

Trend Micro joins forces with SCCC Alibaba Cloud to strengthen cybersecurity resilience in Saudi Arabia

Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Saudi Cloud Computing Company (SCCC) Alibaba Cloud, to protect the enterprises of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the evolving threat landscape and to promote the localisation of cybersecurity solutions in Saudi Arabia.

During a special ceremony at the inauguration of Trend Micro’s MEA HQ in Riyadh, SCCC Alibaba Cloud’s Chief Executive Officer, Talal Albakr and Trend Micro’s Area Vice President and Managing Director for the Middle East and Africa, Moataz Bin Ali, signed the agreement in the presence of HE Haytham Alohali, Vice Minister, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

In 2022, Alibaba Cloud became the world’s first hyperscale cloud provider to enter the Saudi Arabian market, offering its services through Saudi Cloud Computing Company (SCCC). SCCC Alibaba Cloud and Trend Micro will collaborate to provide cutting-edge solutions that benefit the customers of both companies.

Together, they will share cybersecurity best practices, insights and explore opportunities for hosting Trend Micro’s innovative data lake in Saudi Arabia. The data lake will allow Trend Micro and its partners to offer advanced threat defence solutions from inside Saudi Arabia. The two organisations will also work together on the localisation of cybersecurity solutions and practices across the kingdom.

“SCCC Alibaba Cloud is committed to enhancing collaborations with partners in various markets to provide tailor-made cloud solutions that will empower businesses across industries and help them to thrive in the digital age,” said Talal Albakr, Chief Executive Officer, SCCC Alibaba Cloud.

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