University of Europe for Applied Sciences unveils Master’s in Innovation Design Management

University of Europe for Applied Sciences unveils Master’s in Innovation Design Management

The University of Europe for Applied Sciences in Dubai, the first German University in the UAE has announced the launch of its second Master’s program in design – the Innovation Design Management program.

The program is set to commence next fall under the leadership of Prof. Dahlia Mahmoud in Dubai and is supported by esteemed faculty members from the university’s design departments across Germany.

With the rapidly evolving business and technology landscapes where innovative companies seek multidisciplinary talents, the Innovation Design Management program sits at the crossroads of design and business. The program aligns with the companies’ efforts to employ managers who understand how to leverage design as a driving factor in business decisions.

Companies are also looking for managers who can incorporate creative thinking and an artistic mindset into business strategies, viewing these as strategic assets for fostering innovation, delivering sustainable consumer benefits, as well as in transforming a company’s organisation and vision. The new MA program offers an integrated approach that merges design, business and technology strategies and enables students to participate in intense project activities alongside industry leaders and enterprises facing various challenges daily.

Amidst the various global crises, including climate change and its implications, the curriculum prepares its graduates to positively influence societal changes. It focuses on cultivating social and ecological responsibility, equipping students to effectively communicate visually and through written designs during crises. The highly sought-after ‘Design in Crisis’ module, equips students to strategise and create impactful designs, ensuring the message resonates with the targeted audience. This module is mandatory for students enrolled in the Visual & Experience Design master’s program and an elective for students in the newly launched Innovation Design Management program.

The ‘Design in Crisis’ module focuses on studying the target audience to select the right mediums and styles for effective communication during crises. This empowers students to navigate critical situations with clarity and impact, enhanced by hands-on projects and experiences and collaborations with prestigious German organisations.

Professor Dahlia Mahmoud, Professor in Visual & Experience Design at University of Europe for Applied Sciences, said: “The masters of innovative design management is designed to equip managers with innovative problem-solving skills. The program blends business and human-centered design disciplines seamlessly and aims to create strategies and messaging that resonates with target audience. This interdisciplinary approach is essential in the dynamic business environment, where continuous innovation is crucial for success, particularly in navigating technological advancements and addressing urgent issues on regular basis.”

The multidisciplinary Masters in Innovation Design curriculum at the University of Europe for Applied Sciences in Dubai ensures that graduates are not only proficient in design and business but also socially and ecologically responsible. The program aims to produce graduates who can have innovative management strategies and implement impactful designs that raise awareness about crises and drive positive change in society. Designed to accommodate working professionals, allowing them to advance their careers while pursuing their master’s studies, the program offers flexible scheduling options, with courses held on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday afternoons and Saturdays.

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