Optimising digital experiences with AI-powered Observability at GITEX 2024

Optimising digital experiences with AI-powered Observability at GITEX 2024

Charbel Khneisser, Vice President, Solutions Engineering EMEA, Riverbed

Today’s IT teams face the daunting task of delivering on the digital experience while managing complex IT environments and vast amounts of data and alerts without sufficient context or actionable insights.

In recent years, Unified Observability has emerged as the solution to help enterprises understand the behaviour, health, and performance of their infrastructure, network, and applications. With it, organisations can proactively manage their hybrid and multi-cloud environments for fast problem resolution.

To convey this message to the market, the theme for GITEX Global 2024 will be AI-Powered Observability for Optimal Digital Experiences.

This year, Riverbed unveiled some of the most significant advancements, which provides full-stack observability using real data, enabling customers to optimise digital experiences by using AI to prevent, identify, and resolve IT issues. Riverbed collects full-fidelity data from across the entire technology stack, through the application of AI, it then analyses all this data and accelerates troubleshooting by offering automated remediations.

By leveraging the Riverbed Platform which includes Unified Observability and Application Acceleration solutions, organisations can reduce the complexity of supporting highly distributed environments to drive operational efficiency, deliver better digital experiences, and enable business growth.

Riverbed will host live demos of this platform to highlight the value it can deliver to regional enterprises as they accelerate forward on their digital transformation journeys. Riverbed advocates AI use cases that have a proven ability, through real data, to enhance business efficiencies, drive productivity, and enhance digital experiences. Its AI-powered observability platform meets each of these criteria.

Riverbed will leverage its presence to strengthen relationships with channel partners, engaging to provide a comprehensive view of our product roadmap and explore new avenues for collaboration. By reinforcing channel partnerships, Riverbed is committed to ensuring that customers in the Middle East receive the best-in-class support and expertise they deserve.

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