Teradata launches software-defined warehouse

Teradata launches software-defined warehouse

Teradata, the big data analytics and marketing applications company, has announced the Software-Defined Warehouse, an enhancement to the Teradata Database. The Software-Defined Warehouse enables organisations to consolidate multiple data warehouses into one system without sacrificing security or service level performance.

“Today, many organisations maintain multiple, separate data warehouses to meet unique business unit requirements or to comply with data privacy regulations across countries,” said Hermann Wimmer, co-president, Teradata, and head of Teradata’s Data and Analytics Division. “Through the Software-Defined Warehouse, our customers will enjoy the benefits of simpler data warehouse management, consistent performance, as well as the cost-savings of maintaining a single system.”

In addition to the Software-Defined Warehouse, Teradata introduced an additional Teradata Database feature called Secure Zones, which separates data and groups of users for each entity, with secure boundaries between them. This enables organizations to comply with security and privacy laws that restrict the movement of personally identifiable information or co-location of data from multiple business entities or countries within a single data warehouse.

The Software-Defined Warehouse capability leverages Teradata Workload Management, Teradata Data Labs and the Secure Zones feature of the Teradata Database. These combined capabilities offer organizations agility, simplicity, and speed when managing their data warehouse, and they provide:
Multi-Tenant Deployment: Separately manage data and users from multiple business units or organizations. The Software-Defined Warehouse shields system administrators from viewing the tenants’ data, if required for security or privacy purposes.
Business–to-Business Analytic Services: Simplify the hosting and managing of business–to-business analytic services for partners of Teradata customers, while providing consistent performance according to each partner’s expected service level agreement.
Data Mart Consolidation: Consolidate multiple data marts into a single system, which reduces the total cost of ownership and carbon footprint. This also provides a simpler way for users to gain an enterprise view of the data, while continuing to segregate the data, users, applications, and workloads from each data mart.
Production Analytic Sandboxes: Set up user-focused, self-service data labs, enabling new levels of data-driven insights and agility, without data duplication or creation of new silos.

“’Software-defined anything’ has become a hot industry topic for organisations looking to speed provisioning and better utilise infrastructure resources,” said John L Myers, Managing Research director, Business Intelligence at Enterprise Management Associates. “Teradata’s delivery of a software-defined warehouse provides a level of agility and “push-button” simplicity that empower organisations to quickly deploy their data warehouse and data mart resources and effectively manage security across environments.”

For example, a European-based multi-national company is currently required to dedicate a separate, stand-alone system within its data center for each of the countries served. The employees within each country have access to their own secured data, but this model is not cost effective. With deployment of the Software-Defined Warehouse, the data from all countries can be brought into a single system while offering the same security controls and access restrictions. This consolidation saves both time and money, while also guaranteeing consistent performance across workloads based on business priorities.

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