Samsung takes Smart WLAN across verticals at GITEX

Samsung takes Smart WLAN across verticals at GITEX

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has launched its suite of enterprise communications at GITEX Technology 2015. Known as Smart WLAN, this umbrella Wi-Fi solution is designed to enable a true, all-wireless network in any business—from transportation and retail to the corporate office space & outdoor.

“Our partners in business are seeking to combine efficiency, speed and performance at work, but in order to do that, they need to overcome the challenges they face with mobile connectivity. Smart WLAN is designed to make mobile networks more powerful, intelligent and versatile than ever before,” said Mohammad Gharaibeh, Head of Enterprise Business Group at Samsung Gulf Electronics.

Advancing the company’s mission to create elegant connections in business, Smart WLAN redefines mobile connectivity. In Smart WLAN Samsung adapts its expertise in mobile technologies and its experience in advanced LTE market to provide seamless service during voice calls and video play, and provide greater throughput when moving between Access Points.

The Samsung Smart WLAN system combines high performance AP (Access Points), a WLAN Controller, UC (Unified Communications) solutions and additional tools to deliver faster and more robust networks than conventional ICT offerings.

The suite represents Samsung’s commitment to accelerating its global wireless enterprise business solution. Building on more than 35 years of experience in the mobile network industry and committing to R&D, Samsung will continue its history of industry leadership in the development of innovative solutions and global partnerships with mobile operators to implement robust networks.

Samsung’s enterprise solutions can be found at Dubai World Trade Center in Hall 6—Stand # MAX6-5

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