Industry Expert

Three tips to boost ROI with efficient analytics

In today’s digital age most marketers seek to measure their digital efforts through analytics. From unique visitors to social media followers, it is important to set short and long-term objective to boost their...

Gearing up in the wireless world

The trends that defined the wireless network industry in 2016 are all still in play in 2017. While that might sound like more of the same, it can also be thought of as a prelude to 5G. Now is the time when mobile...

Why your backup could be hindering your company’s digital transformation

In order to compete in the new digital economy, companies are going through something of an IT revolution. This revolution has seen the disruption of the vendor landscape and the re-organising of IT itself. So that...

What makes us Red Hat?

Open source software is, in fact, eating the world. It is a de facto model for innovation, and technology as we know it, would look vastly different without it. On a few occasions, over the past several years,...

Document Digitisation – On the Road to Digital Transformation

For many companies in the Middle East, the biggest challenge when establishing a digital transformation strategy is to determine when and how to digitise paper documents. The decision-making process needs to factor in...

Are You a ‘Grow Getter’ or Does Your Business Fail to ‘Get Growth’?

No business can grow unless the people behind the organisation are focused on achieving growth. As new markets expand and globalisation becomes the norm, growth opportunities can become limited and even niche areas of...

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