Nokia and Google Fiber first in the US to trial 50G PON speeds over live fiber broadband network

Nokia and Google Fiber first in the US to trial 50G PON speeds over live fiber broadband network

Nokia has confirmed confirms that GFiber Labs has successfully tested 50Gb/s broadband speeds over its existing fiber network.

This is the first live network demonstration of 50G PON technology in the US and builds on the 25G PON deployment GFiber Labs announced with Nokia last year.

Leveraging Nokia’s fiber solution, Google Fiber was able to simultaneously run 10/25G PON along with 25/50G PON broadband service over its fiber network.

Google Fiber is already at the forefront of the multi-gigabit evolution, having launched the first 25G PON commercial services with Nokia in 2023.

Liz Hsu, Senior Director, Product & Billing, Google Fiber, said: “This test with Nokia builds on the 25G PON deployment paves the way for future improvements to our network that enhance customer experience in terms of speed, reliability, innovation and support for future business cases that have yet to be defined.”

Geert Heyninck, Vice President of Broadband Networks, Nokia, said: “Service providers need to be able to select the right technology, based on their needs and business case. It is why we already offer 10G and 25G today, are trialling 50G and developing 100G – ultimately leading to a full range of PON technologies that can be mixed and matched on the same platform and the same fiber.”

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