Telesat and ENCQOR 5G to accelerate next-generation 5G networks across Canada

Telesat and ENCQOR 5G to accelerate next-generation 5G networks across Canada

Telesat, one of the world’s largest and most innovative satellite operators, and Canada’s ENCQOR 5G have announced a new strategic partnership. 

Through a shared promise from public and private sector industry leaders to advance 5G technology by investing in an ultra-high-speed communications infrastructure, connectivity will be extended to the entire country, including both rural and urban areas.

In co-operation with the ENCQOR 5G program, Telesat will conduct demonstrations, trials and pilots that will advance 5G connectivity, particularly to industries operating in rural areas. 

This includes the utilization of the ENCQOR testbed, satellite assets, as well as national and international 5G infrastructures. The partnership will also allow both Telesat and ENCQOR 5G to collaborate with other industries, academia and organizations across Canada and around the world.

ENCQOR 5G is a transformational Canada-Québec-Ontario program that includes anchor partners and digital technology leaders Ericsson, Ciena Canada, Thales Canada, IBM Canada and CGI along with provincial co-ordinators that include Prompt, ADRIQ and the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI).

Stephen Hampton, Manager of Public Policy at Telesat, said: “We firmly believe our combined efforts will not only benefit the Canadian ICT and digital technologies industries. The development of these services will also minimize the current connectivity divide for industrial verticals.” 

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