
2023 is the year to stream big, think bigger

The real-time is right for data teams to adopt a streaming-native perspective to the analytics architecture says Julia Brouillette, Senior Technologist at real-time analytics specialist Imply. In 2022, we began...

Future cities: Taking a smart approach to infrastructure

Antonio Bocigas, EMEA Telco Director, Lenovo, says cities need an ‘edge’ as they adapt to high bandwidth technologies advancing transformation. For thousands of years, humankind has strived towards building a ‘Smart City’...

Report reveals evolving virtual spaces serving more ‘inspirational and u...

The Future 100:2023 report from Wunderman Thompson says the digital world is changing to suit more of our needs including access to ‘emotional uplift’ and new ways to entertain.  The report offers 100 bitesize predi...

Evolving workspaces and mobility as a key factor in creating the optimal...

Alan Ni, Senior Director, Edge Marketing, Aruba, tells us what CIOs should consider when creating the best hybrid workspace and experience for the future. As has already been widely reported, the pandemic caused a great...

Deloitte Canada report outlines solutions to achieve digital equity  

Many Canadians still face barriers to participating in the digital world. Based on original research, including a survey of Canadians and interviews conducted with industry and government leaders, Digital Equity:...

Simplifying security on the path to a multi-cloud future

CIOs and CISOs must shift their mindset from network-centric security to data-centric security in order to have visibility over their data, said Petko Stoyanov, Global Chief Technology Officer at Forcepoint....

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