How to Build Better Software with Balanced Teams

Many teams today have chosen to follow an agile approach to software development. But despite the proven benefits of such an approach, many of these teams are still failing to realize their full potential.

One reason for this is that while these teams may place a priority on perfectly implementing their chosen agile methodology, such as Scrum or Kanban, they neglect to consider the impacts to the human side of those methodologies. There is a science to this, however, and some teams have codified the practices that enable them to work together more effectively, regardless of which methodology they’ve chosen. One of the most promising of these practices is the Balanced Team.

In this white paper, you’ll learn the core values that underlie a Balanced Team approach, as well as the benefits these values can bring to your own team. You’ll see how a product development team can employ these values to tackle a familiar problem more effectively; identify the level of balance present in your own team; and learn the steps you can take to improve that balance.

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